St. Augustine Beach, FL

February 16th, 2023

Bexley Box #22

This Bexley Box was delivered immediately following Box 21 on February 16th, 2023 - the one-year anniversary of the murder of Jared Bridegan.

The St. Augustine Beach, PD as well as the St. Augustine Fire Department welcomed the delivery crew with a Firetruck, full lineup of police, paramedics, and firefighters and crowd favorite K9 Kilo. Chaplain Kemp with SJSO read a passage from the Bible and led the group in prayer. Following this moment, we explained the contents of the Bexley Box, visited with each other, and explored the firetruck! The kids left with a love for firetrucks and a wish to go back to “play” again another day.

We are so grateful for everyone involved who made this day so special for us. We felt truly humbled to be the recipient of such kindness from those who already lay everything on the line to serve the community around them. Thank you!


Payson, UT


St. Augustine, FL